How Many Inches an Open Bust Corset Can Take Off
Open bust corsets have been in existence for hundreds of years and are very popular for providing the body with a slimmer, more defined shape. People use open bust corsets today for various reasons, such as fashion, posture support, and waist reduction. Some people wear open bust corsets only on special occasions to instantly slim down, while others practice waist training for long-term changes. Both methods produce different results. The most common question people ask is: How many inches does an open bust corset take off? It's a great question, especially if you're looking to wear an open bust corset for waist training or to make yourself look good. Let's have a closer look at how open bust corsets reduce your waist. How Do Open Bust Corsets Reduce Your Waist? It's essential to know how an open bust corset works before discussing how many inches you can expect to lose. An open bust corset is designed to compress your waist and reshape your torso by pulling in your m...